

Quickly integrate your Flask application with the Heroku stack.



The easiest way to install is with pip:

$ pip install Flask-Heroku-Runner

You can also install from source using setup.py if you are that type of person:

$ python setup.py install


Simply import the extension and use flask.ext.heroku_runner.HerokuApp in place of flask.Flask.

What you get

HerokuApp is a sub-class of flask.Flask that recognizes the HOST and PORT environment variables that the Heroku stack provides and configures the application to use them. It also uses the DEBUG environment variable as a source for ~flask.Flask`s ``debug` argument.

API Reference

class flask.ext.heroku_runner.HerokuApp(*positional, **keywords)

Simple wrapper for flask.Flask that integrates nicely with the Heroku Python stack.

run(*positional, **keywords)

Inserts the HOST, PORT, and DEBUG environment variable values into keywords using the keys host, port, and debug (respectively) and then calls flask.Flask.run() using the arguments. If the environment variables are not set, then this method is a simple pass through.

The DEBUG environment variable is processed as a literal Boolean value. Since Python does not have a good method of parsing a string into a bool, the value is considered True if when converted to lower case it is one of the following values: true, yes, or 1. It is converted to False if its lower case value is any of the following: false, no, or 0. If neither of these cases are satisfied, then the debug keyword argument is not used.


  • Version 2

    Added support for the DEBUG environment variable.

  • Version 1

    Initial release.

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